Zander Mahaffey and Leelah Alcorn, On a bridge too far and fallen stars.

His name was Zander, he was a young boy who needed help, now he’s been lain to rest under a stone with the wrong name by a family who if they could have seen past their own bloody mindedness could have had a wonderful son. Her name was Leelah, she was lain to rest in a suit under a male name because her parents decided their faith was more important than their beautiful daughter who needed support and love, not “fixing”.

On march the 7th in memory of the fallen some in the community will be marking their bodies with a simple star. I will be joining them. We’ve all lost friends, allies, band mentors to suicide somewhere along the line, and this time we have to say ENOUGH. Reparative therapy of trans kids does not work, the church know it, the so called therapists know it, it’s time to consider whether for the childs welfare those subjected to this torture, or whose parents turn away from them in time of need should be considered for compulsory therapy themselves. Rather than claiming life after life trying to cure the incurable.

Trans lives matter , and I am sick of seeing the victims lives treated secondary to the parents selfish, and often downright dangerous wishes. Anyway there’s not much more to say. Rest in peace Starboy, rest in peace Leelah. To any out there thinking of taking that route, please reconsider, there’s a veritable army of brothers and sisters and a whole world in between out there right now who have your back, we’ll be there for you and all ya need to do is say the word. You are never alone, never ever ever forget that. All you’ve gotta do is say the word. Anyway this is unchained signing out, to those out there looking for help, don’t give up, neveer give up on who you truly are. Also to all our Brothers out there, never forget we’re rooting for you too. Hang in there dudes.

Memorial, on desecrated memories and irrational hatred.

Today I write to you all with a heavy heart. Many of you might not be aware but recently the worlds first memorial to the trans victims of hate crime was completed.

The fact people found it in their hearts to carve it was extremely heartening.


However today after about a month from completion the memorial was desecrated. Hateful messages were carved into the wood, and even the memorial plaque was deliberately mangled. Due to lack of CCTV in the area the vandals will be hard to identify, and as such they probably believe they have gotten off scott free. This entire mess fills me with sadness, I feel as if the grave of my mentor has been defiled. Most of us have lost somebody to the hatred that provokes this kind of shit, in my case the person who guided me and protected me in the early days of my transition was murdered . Every one of us knows at least one person who has fallen, and that is unacceptable. Now it seems we cannot even mourn our dead without fools such as these ruining it in some way.

I have news for this scum, whatever you try it will not work.  The memories these people left us with are far stronger than the hate of any fool. The gift of a touch on the arm, a kind word, a reassuring hug. Of the guidance those who fell left behind for us will never fade. We will heal, and a memorial can be restored. Whether you know it or not you have failed, we will remember and we will rebuild. Nothing will prevent that. Hatred will never prevail while we hang onto the love our brothers and sisters show us.

A message to abacrombie and Fitch. On the bullies hate, and resultant fate.

To whom it may concern.


I recently read with disgust a quote from you, on how you only want people of a particular shape and size shopping at your store. I was sickened, then I realised something.

I FIT YOUR CUSTOMER MOULD. So then I had a thought, I am coming for a visit abacrombie and fitch, yes the ugly transwoman  with a face that looks like it had a date with a sledgehammer who is probably everything you despise is coming to visit. To make matters worse I will not be subtle. I will wear enough makeup to make a drag queen say “oh I say darling go easy on that stuff.” I won’t so much apply makeup as slap a shovel full on my face and leave on whatever sticks.

When this is done I will come in and try on literally everything in store, and given the fact I’m 5’9 with a 00 waist odds are most of it will be loose. I will complain loudly when it’s baggy, and let it be known when something fits like a potato sack. I really don’t give a shit about labels or propriety , and you wanna know what I’ll do then? I’ll leave, without buying a damn thing. Then I’ll come back, and I’LL BRING FRIENDS. If there’s one thing I hate in this world it’s a bully, especially the one who tries to warp kids minds to a pretty lil kodak moment mould. You reinforce that stereotype. So Abacrombie, so fitch, welcome to your own personal hell, hope you enjoy your stay.


Yours Sincerely


Aura Willow Hazel


A message to MRA’s , on hijacking and smokescreens.

This is a short and simple message to the scum in the mens rights movement hijacking our name. You do not get to speak for transpeople. So you hate radfems? Then have at least the fucking decency to oppose them in your own name not ours.

You who appropriate our voices, YOU are the enemy. At least TERFS don’t pretend they are defending you while appropriation your voice.  You who have actively opposed the treatment my brothers and sisters or indeed all my kin so desperately needed, you who oppose bodily autonomy and womens rights. Do you think the trans community will forgive your vile transgressions committed in our name? You have no honour, no courage, and now not even honesty. 

We know our enemies. Wearing our name like a sheepskin will not prevent us seeing the sad , pathetic wolf beneath. You who hurt us right through our lives, who tortured us with gender roles worsening our depression at our transness. You who enforced those stereotypes with threats and violence. You who made our lives hell. We will not forgive, and we will always remember. Most of us bear the scars of a lifetime to ensure it.

To the individual who has been threatening me. On death threats and online pests.

To whom it may concern.

I received your letters, every single one of them. Yes that includes the death threats, and the ones threatening rape and torture, and I had just 1 question. Did you think this was news to me? That your threats would somehow cause me to cower in fear?

I am afraid I will have to disappoint you. You can threaten all you like, nothing you could ever do to me can be worse than I’ve already experienced. I will never back down, not to the likes of you. I will not stop posting, if you dislike a trans person posting online you are perfectly welcome to stop reading my stuff at any time you wish. I will not be afraid of you, in fact I pity you. So blinded by your own hate you can’t accept another human being for who they are. So fearful of difference you felt the need to stoop to this just to make your hollow life seem meaningful.

Meanwhile I will do nothing whatsoever differently, and will continue to do precisely what I need to do for my own well being.Feel free to hate me if that is what gets you through the day. Do not expect me to return the favour though. Hatred is a waste of energy that could be put to far better use. I wish you luck in your life and sincerely hope one day you get your life back onto a worthwhile course. Yours sincerely,

Aura Willow Hazel.

Autogynephilia theory, on vested interests, and precedents set.

Ok time to dive in at the deep end yet again, it is time to discuss Autogynephilia theory.

Now to start opening this can of worms maybe we should begin by actually breaking down the theory itself, from there we can point out the fundemental flaws in this theory much more easily.

Autogynephilia theory is a theory coined by doctor Blanchard to divide transsexuality into 2 categories, the first of these categories is suprise suprise the homosexual transsexual,the second category being autogynephiliac transsexual. The first category is supposedly made up of transsexuals who transition for the male gaze, any non surgical transsexual person blanchard discusses he seems to shove into this category. The second the autogynephile is apparently any transsexual who is aroused by the thought of sex with themselves in a female body.

This theory has so many problems it is beyond belief, and its impact on us as a community is huge.

So now we know the theory maybe it’s time to discuss these flaws.

1. The homosexual transsexual, this is one huge issue from start to finish, it is based entirely on harmful stereotypes, assumes that trans folks are just gay men in denial, and to top it all off insultingly mislabels its victims. A trans woman who is attracted to men is precisely that, not a homosexual transsexual but a transsexual woman with an attraction to men. this myth is a direct contributory factor in Irans policy of surgical assault upon any individual with a history of crossdressing or who is unfortunate enough to be found to be homosexual . This is why this fundementally flawed point must be stopped, its perpetuation provides an excuse for surgical assault upon any individual who does not fit perfectly into the non trans, binary identified, heteronormative paradigm.

2. Transsexual people are still people, the autogynephilia theory seems to forget this . I may be aesexual myself but looking in I can see quite clearly human beings are a very sexual race for the large majority of cases. Most peoples bodily perceptions help define their sexuality, but what happens when that perception does not match with the body. Is the individual supposed to deny the existence of their sexual desires? or are they supposed to try to play along using a body that never ever fit who they were? a body that odds are repulses them.

Autogynephilia theory is nothing short of a deliberate act of sexuality shaming and control.The entire theory seems to be using a transsexual persons own bodily awareness , and often their own internalised transphobia as a weapon against them. It assumes that a trans persons sexuality defines every other factor of their life . It is insulting to everybody, assuming gay individuals transition due to lack of  strength to be themselves, that they must find above all else conceal their sexuality . It spreads about a meme that leads to direct surgical assault, that leads to reparative therapy despite the fact reparative therapy for transsexuality has been proven not to work and to also act as a contributory factor in increased suicide risk, worsening depression, and in some cases post traumatic stress if attempted. This theory also erases the existence of aesexual transsexuals such as myself, And is based on a theory of transsexuality that uses horribly out of date information and is fundementally flawed,

and finally 3. this theory was proposed and backed by individuals known to support reparative therapy including in one case a well known ex gay therapist. There were inadequate controls in the research and a clear bias was displayed throughout with weighted questions and cherrypicking of candidates.

As such Blanchards theory of autogynephilia and the linked theory autoandrophilia  are fundementally flawed, perpetuate harmful myths that damage individuals right across the LGBT spectrum, and all in all are merely sexuality shaming in a new guise. Our community already has enough of that to begin with in healthcare but that is an article for another day.

A message to people who identify as allies to the trans community.

This message isn’t to all allies of the trans community, only to those who use misogyny as a weapon against people who are anti trans, please if you want to be an ally cut that shit out, it is doing harm and no good will come of it however good your intentions may or may not be.

By reinforcing patriarchy with misogynistic comments you are showing yourself as no true ally to our community. Trans women identify as female, we identify as the class woman, ergo when you allow your brain to be overridden by your anger and say sexist shit you aren’t just belittling the person you are arguing with, your actions also impact directly on those you seek to defend.

Furthermore reinforcing patriarchy makes it harder for trans men to be accepted as not the gender they were mistakenly assigned at birth by reinforcing the very power structures that make transition difficult, and identifying their gender label they were incorrectly assigned at birth as if it is somehow inferior. This also do a hell of a lotta good for those who identify non binary either.    So please please please think before you post , we do not need more enemies, and if we are going to convince people we speak the truth about who we are and want anybody to believe us the last thing we need is to allow sexism to speak for us.

on fascism and animal rights, why the 2 do not mix.

OK I am gonna try to say this calmly and sensibly, that may be hard but I will try, please if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, or in any way discriminatory against somebody based on age, race , ability or disability, sexuality, gender , sex, gender identity, or religion stay the fuck away from feminism , animal rights, enviromentalism, or any struggle in which a person humaqn or nonhuman is struggling for rights.

By reinforcing the rights of one at the expense of another  you become like the ivy in a wall, appearing to make it stronger while forcing cracks and divisions beneath the surface that will unless weeded out lead to destruction.

The strength in any movement for equality lies in a united front, if people cannot attend an animal rights gathering because they fear racist thugs how can the movement grow stronger? to the fascists at the EDL animal rights is not your promotional tool, please stay far, FAR away.

What use is gaining freedom for one if it comes with jackboots stamping another underfoot? that is not a path to freedom for any , just squabbling over the masters tools.  In recent years in the movements I support I have noticed the warning signs of this, casual sexist jokes going unchallenged, little racist comments overlooked. If this continues it will poison the causes we fight so hard to uphold. Freedom of one at the expense of another is no freedom at all, please folks when you hear crap like that I ask if you love the movement call that shit, without a moments hesitation.

Rapist freed because their intended victim was trans.

My faith in humanity is dying, a swedish court just freed a man because his intdended rape victim was transgendered, I shit you not. The wonderful logic behind this move? apparently since she was trans, ergo not posessing a vagina she could not have been raped.

This woman was beaten, her pants ripped off, and the attacker then proceeded to attempt a full out attack. Mercifully for the victim a witness intervened , however the courts decided the man was trying to rape the woman,  they ruled that it was in fact a woman the man wanted to rape, not a ‘physical man’ and although the fact that the victim had undergone hormone therapy to change gender was considered, the court ruled there was no completed rape.

There you have it, a full blown sex attack is apparently cool in sweden, just ensure your victim is trans, as appatrently all transsexuals are unrapeable. I must send a memo to my rapist to appraise him he is in fact innocent it seems. Never mind the fact this basically strips humanity from us, no equal protection under law, it also opens up a huge ass can of worms, have they not realised yet, not all rape victims identify or live as female, they just provided a lot of rapists a get out of jail free card. Way to go sweden, we will remember your courts think so little of our humanity.

Of MRA’S and Morons, sorry dudes but even under white flag no truce with patriarchal scum.

Ok this shouldn’t even need to be said, but circumstances force my hand. Of late I have been hearing of a particularly rancid piece of shit trying to latch itself to our community. A name many of you may recall has been approaching trans women, trying to cower under a white flag and form a truce. Remember Agent Orange? the MRA scum? Yeah this particular turd it seems will not flush, and is trying to garner a truce with our community. Like any self respecting trans woman or trans man would ever stoop so low as to contaminate themselvces in such a way. In response to this members of the trans community formed the hashtag #orangeispatriarchy, To anybody naive enough to fall for this bastards bullshit DON’T trust this man. Yes he revealed some information once , but he has done a lot of harm to feminism as a movement too, Releasing the words of a handful of lunatic fringe as if they were the words of feminism as a whole, and attempting to divide the feminists along trans/ non trans battle lines is just another ploy to divide and conquer, please folks no matter what do not put your trust in him, doing so is like volunteering to play dentist to a hungry alligator without anaesthetic, you can garantee it will come back around to bite you in the ass somewhere along the line.

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